Saturday, August 22, 2009
Okay next episode which is The One With All The Resolutions. Right?
The One With All The Resolutions -
As the New Year(2000) approaches, all the friends make New Year's resolutions. Phoebe's resolution is to pilot an airplane:
Phoebe: My resolution is to pilot a full airplane!
Ross: Oh, good. Now all you need is a plane load of people whose resolution is to plummet to their deaths.
And Phoebe has no resolution.
Ross' resolution is to be happy(doing something new) in 1999 because he's been divorced twice. Uh. He dates a girl names Elizabeth Hornswaggle(her last name is from some show called The Fraggles)and wears hot leather pants to the date. Too hot. When he's in the bathroom trying to cool himself down, he finds that his pants contracted and can't come back up again. He resorts to calling Joey for help.
Chandler's resolution is to not be funny for a whole week and he gets us$50 from Ross. Of course, being the sarcastic man he is, it doesn't keep up:
Chandler:Alright, I give up! Ross, the cowboys from Texas just called, and they want their pants back! And, Ross? Why are you datign a character from The Fraggles?!
Joey's resolution is to learn to play the guitar. It doesn't turn out too good when Phoebe, who taught herself to play the guitar, offers to teach Joey. She doesn't know the actual way to play it, so:
Phoebe: Joey, you're questioning my methods.
Joey:I'm not questioning it, Phoebe, I'm saying it's stupid.
Rachel's resolution is to gossip less, but when she finds out that Chandler and Monica are dating, she struggles to keep it to herself.
Monica's resolution is to take more pictures and she takes them at weird times.
The Last Ones -
Erica, the mother of the child a married Monica and Chandler has adopted, goes into labor 3 weeks early.
Erica: So she and I went to this nice place and - oooh- anyway, they had these great cheeseburgers.
Monica: Are you alright, Erica?
erica: Yeah, it's just these tummyaches that come and go every two minutes.
Monica: Oh my god!
Chandler:Relax!We'll just get her some aspirin!
Monica: She's in labour!
Chandler: Oh my god!
Damn it's 3. I'll get the rest of the storyy soon..
N.I.V.A.N.I I'll Be There For You... @2:20 PM
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"Chandler, Joey, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel..."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Something happened. Stupid computer.
I have a proposition (if that's how you spell it. We don't talk about Day 2 or Day 3 of the camp - I'm still doing the movie Day 2 though - but instead, we talk about Friends. Good.
So. I got bored one day and I got my top 6 Friends episodes:
1)The One With The Rumor
2)The One With The Flashback
3)The One With All The Resolutions
4)The Last One (Part 1 and 2)
5)The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss
You probably don't know what each episode except The One With The Rumor is about. I shall explain.
The One With The Flashback-
Chandler's then girlfriend, Janice (who has a high-pitched voice), asks everyone if they have ever gotten close to doing it with someone else.We then go into a flashback three years before, hence the title.
Ross is happy that Carol, his wife, has made friends with that girl Susan from the gym, but he can't help wondering if Carol's a lesbian. At the end of the episode, Phoebe comforts him and they almost do it.
Monica's high school best friend, Rachel, bumps into them in the bar(before it became Central Perk). Rachel is then excited about marrying Barry, but it afraid that she'll become a wife who can't date. So she tells her friends that she'll do it with the first guy she meets. Chandler overhears that and become the first guy Rachel sees. But she isn't too interested. At the end of the episode, she fantasizes making out with him.
Chandler is choosing a new roommate, the guy who is a model photographer or that Italian guy who's dumbheaded(Joey). Of course, he picks the photographer, who's Eric. Monica thinks that Italian guy looks real nice so she tries to coax Chandler into getting Joey. Chandler refuses. Their neighbour, Mr Heckles, an old man, somehow ends up making Eric leave and thus Chandler needs Joey as his roommate. Monica sees Joey and asks if he wants a cup of lemonade. Joey misintrepets and thinks Monica wants to do it.
That was all just one episode. Next post will be next episode.
*I love Friends* *I (Heart) Friends*
N.I.V.A.N.I I'll Be There For You... @2:10 PM
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"Chandler, Joey, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel..."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yo, what up.
I wonder if it's been a while since my last post. Cuz' I think it has.
Well, part of my reason is three days of torture (and fun) sucked me into life without internet and technology. How did I live...?
Well, I went for the P5 Camp. In our school it's called Camp I Can. Huh. And now I'll go through the usual steps in blogging : word by word, sentence by sentence, blah by blah.
Here I go:
Hi! In the rest of this post, I will dutifully describe my three days in the P5 Camp I Can:
DAY 1:
We spent half the day in school. First we started off by being divided into two groups for each class, the odd numbered and even numbered. I was in the even number 5E group, aka Group 9.
Our trainer was called Elaine. Elaine Cheong. And the other group's trainer was called Jia Hao. Well, anyway, the 17 groups in the school were divided into three sections, A B and C. I was in B. Then, we had to think of a group name starting with B. It had to be exciting. I thought of Barney. (Yes, I was the one of thought of Barney...) And we ended up with these choices: Blue, Barney, Bomb and Bond. Bond, as in "Bond, James Bond.". We chose that. Then, we had to make a flag. Time sped pretty quickly after that...We went straight to lunch: Mee goreng, two potato wedges and a piece of chicken...It wasn't
that bad. After lunch we left for our venue, Labrador MOE Adventure Centre. It was middle-class. We went and put our bags in the dormitory. My dorm partner was Yu Jun...and her christian name was Trisha. That's what I'll call her by. She was - no offence - damn freakin' irritating! Which brings us to point no 2 which comes before point no 3. We did abseiling. J.I.C. you don't know, abseiling is have a safety rope attached to you and you have to slowly bring yourself down a wall. put your hand parallel to the wall and put the two fingers from your other hand on the palm. that's how we were standing...parallel to the ground. I did it once...some of our friends did the Flying Fox. Remember in Rush Hour 2, in China, Chan and Tucker were trying to escape and there was a string of lanterns going down like a slope and they held on the string and slid down. That's the flying fox. At night we were getting ready for the campfire
preparations. Back to Trisha. I was like, getting really homesick at night and tears kept coming bit by bit down my face. And I was really quiet. Trisha kept on going, " Ni-va-ni...
Nivani" Oh god she was real annoying. We showered then we had dinner, which I forgot.
And then we slept, I think I slept well.
Day 2 will be tomorrow or like Saturday or something.
In other words, Day 2 is coming soon.
*Hey, that sounds like a good name for a movie. Now I just need a plot.*
N.I.V.A.N.I I'll Be There For You... @3:26 AM
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"Chandler, Joey, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel..."
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I just tried to upload a post and the whole computer got jammed. Crap.
Plus, I just wrote a song in the fastest time ever. 25 minutes.
Best quote of the day :
"Ha ha ha ha...And I thought
my jokes were bad!" The Joker, Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
My brother made me do that.
Anyway, I watched MTV for a short while...And that made me gather my top 5 favourite songs:
1) Trainwreck - Demi Lovato - Don't Forget
2) It's Alright, It's Ok - Ashley Tisdale - Guilty Pleasure
Don't Forget - Demi Lovato - Don't Forget
3) You Belong With Me -Taylor Swift - Fearless
4) New In Town - Little Boots - ?
5) Funhouse - Pink - Funhouse
I know, if number 2 is a tie, I'm supposed to skip number 3...But I couldn't choose! I fell sick on Thursday because I had a slight flu the day before and also ran 1.6km...So I skipped school on Thursday and Friday. I'm SUPPOSED to be doing my school homwork (Damn people for inventing Maths!) but instead I'm writing this post. So I'm gonna end the post now by shouting at myself for forgetting a great tune I had in mind which lyrics went like this:
Stop, drop, don't roll,
I can't get it out, ( uh-oh)
Stop, drop, don't roll,
I can't get it out that I love you.
Stop, drop, don't roll,
How do I say I love you...
I can't get it out...(uh oh)
Thank you....Crap, stop nagging, mom! I"ll do my homework alright? I'm thinking about skipping school tomorrow anyway!
Nivani....but call me Alice. Bella's fine, though.
N.I.V.A.N.I I'll Be There For You... @6:37 AM
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"Chandler, Joey, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel..."